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What is a Body Corporate?

The Body Corporate is the collective name given to all the owners of Units in a Scheme.

It comes into existence as soon as the developer of the Scheme transfers a Unit to a new owner.

All registered owners of Units in a Scheme are members of the Body Corporate.

The Body Corporate controls and runs the Scheme.  Day-to-day administration of the Scheme is vested in Trustees who are appointed by the Body Corporate.  Major decisions regarding the Scheme are made by the Body Corporate, usually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), or at a Special General Meeting.  At these meetings, matters which affect the Scheme are discussed;  Budget are approved, rules can be changed and Trustees are appointed, resolutions are taken on improvements on the common property.

The Body Corporate controls the COMMON PROPERTY, which is owned in an undivided share by all registered owners, being; driveways, gardens, swimming pools, corridors, lifts, and foyers are good examples of common property.

Some parts of the common property are designed as EXCLUSIVE USE AREAS, these areas allow for an owner to enjoy the sole right over ; a garden area, patio, garage, storeroom, parking bay.

Only when this exclusive use area is registered in the Deeds office, can the owner sell the EUA to any other owner within the scheme, but not an outsider.

The EUA, forms part of the common property, and is only an exclusive right to use that portion of the property to the benefit of the said individual owner.

Once an owner sells his unit, he is no longer a member of the Body Corporate.
